Sitting lonely amidst hundreds
I toggled my mind through all magics and wonders
That I experienced, in this small part of life
And found relationship as the best of the hundreds.
I thought of friends,
Who loved me because I was one amongst them.
I thought of those who were lovers,
Who met at some part of life, and liked each other
Cos of the good they saw in one another.
I thought of siblings, who loved each other
Only to fight for and split for some worldly pleasure.
I thought of children, who were so ungrateful
Not to give back the love n care they had got.
And then, I found the ultimate relationship of life
Which was selfless and serene
Which was as pure as God
That is the love of the parents for their children.
Father who works tirelessly
So that his children have a better life than he had had;
Not fearing that all his wealth and all his hard work
May be snatched by his unworthy son.
Mother who takes care of her child,
Right from when it was in her womb
And till the day she leaves the world.
Bearing all the pains falling on her child,
Not fearing that the one who will hurt her the most in future
May be her own child.
Then, I thought of my parents
And found that its true-
They had loved me, all my life.
They sure loved me when I was good
As my friends, sibling or lover would have.
But, they loved me when I was bad,
In my adolescence, shouting at them.
I have realized, what they have been for me
And, I promise that whatsoever I be in life
I won't be ungrateful to them,
For love in its truest form lies in the eyes of your parents.