Thursday, April 22, 2010


The world is full of hypocrites,
Everyone bigger than the other.
Some change color like the chameleon,
Some remain mystified as the alien.

The great God is a hypocrite himself,
Who distributed wealth, love, misery and pain unequally
But gave everyone equal share of hypocrisy.
The poor trying to show he is richer than his neighbour,
The rich trying to show his poorness to the tax collector.

They exist in all walks of life.
From the one legged beggar,
Whose bank balance is more the government clerk;
And  the government clerk, who shows his balance,
As if it's more than the company's CEO.

Hypocrisy did not leave the beautiful feeling of love
Infact, hypocrisy in love is the most pathetic of all.
The heartbroken lover hurting his lover,
With much more anger than the love he had for her.
Lovers, deeply in love
Showing only the loveliest part of there character.

The man with power, giving authority to his unworthy loved ones
The worthy few, who clings to these unworthy
Like they were friends forever,
Only to abuse and stab them behind there backs.

Are you a hypocrite?
Scan your minds, ask your conscience.
If it is yes, then you still have some chance to fair
And if its a no, then you will always remain the hypocrite that you are.